Self-Care · Wellness

Mindset Goes a Long Way

Take a moment. Pause. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Tune in to what you hear. The air conditioner running? Dogs barking? Birds Chirping? The sound of your infant grunting himself to sleep through the baby monitor…. Tune in to what you feel. Low-back tenderness? Pressure in your forehead? The comfort of the couch?… Continue reading Mindset Goes a Long Way


The Importance of Getting Dressing Everyday & High Lunge Pose

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort”. -Paul Meyer Good morning, everyone! I just can’t get enough of my slow mornings here at home. I am a pretty lucky gal and do not have to drag myself to work every morning. At… Continue reading The Importance of Getting Dressing Everyday & High Lunge Pose